Atmospheric Environment Laboratory
by Professor Wei-Ting Chen

Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University


Surface tpe20190722cln 2mn W and 08RH Basin

Yu-Hsiang Chang & Prof. Wei-Ting Chen

TaiwanVVM 20070830

Yu-Hung Chang & Prof. Wei-Ting Chen

A high-resolution TaiwanVVM LES ensemble is simulated with the realistic, complex topography of Taiwan to present the development diurnal convection under weak synoptic weather dominated by local circulation. The left animation is a current climate simulation initiated using Banqiao sounding observed in August 30th 2007. The right animation is a future climate simulation adopting the pseudo global warming strategy, with spatially uniform 3 K warming and constant relative humidity (based on the future projection of TaiESM). This animation shows the evolution of local wind field (blue arrows) and precipitation (color shading).

The evolution characteristic of stratocumulus precipitation over topography in idealized simulation (CONTROL)

Jun-Jie Chang & Prof. Wei-Ting Chen